Curtain Wall Market Size, Share, Trends and Forecast 2030, by Types (Stick-built Curtain Wall Systems, Unitized Curtain Wall Systems, Semi-unitized Curtain Wall Systems) by Applications (Commercial Buildings, Public Buildings, Residential Buildings, Industrial Buildings)

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Curtain Wall Market Introduction 

A curtain wall is a non-structural, lightweight enclosure system that is used to cover the exterior of a building. It is composed of vertical and horizontal framing members, which are typically made of aluminum, steel, or other metals, and glass or other types of infill panels. The curtain wall system is designed to provide a barrier against the elements while allowing natural light to enter the building. It is a popular choice for commercial buildings, high-rise buildings, and other large structures.Curtain walls can be classified into two main categories: stick-built systems and unitized systems. Stick-built systems are assembled on-site, with individual components installed one at a time. Unitized systems, on the other hand, are pre-fabricated in a factory and shipped to the construction site for installation.Curtain walls offer several benefits, including energy efficiency, improved natural lighting, and enhanced aesthetics. They can also provide protection against noise pollution and enhance the overall structural integrity of a building.The curtain wall market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years, driven by the increasing demand for energy-efficient buildings, rising urbanization, and the growing construction industry. The market is also expected to be driven by the increasing popularity of green buildings and the need to comply with building codes and regulations. In addition, technological advancements in curtain wall systems, such as the use of advanced materials and the integration of smart technologies, are expected to drive the market growth.In conclusion, the curtain wall market is expected to experience significant growth in the coming years, driven by the increasing demand for energy-efficient buildings, rising urbanization, and the growing construction industry. The market is also expected to be driven by the increasing popularity of green buildings and the need to comply with building codes and regulations. Technological advancements in curtain wall systems are expected to further drive the market growth.

Curtain Wall Market Size

The global curtain wall market size was valued at USD 41.3 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach USD 64.3 billion by 2028, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.6% during the forecast period (2021-2028).The growth of the curtain wall market is driven by several factors, including the increasing demand for energy-efficient buildings, rising urbanization, and the growing construction industry. Curtain walls are popular in commercial buildings, high-rise buildings, and other large structures. The demand for such buildings is increasing due to the rising population and urbanization, leading to the growth of the construction industry. Furthermore, the need for aesthetic designs in buildings is driving the demand for curtain walls.The Asia Pacific region is expected to dominate the curtain wall market during the forecast period, owing to the increasing demand for commercial and residential buildings, especially in countries such as China, India, and Japan. The region is also witnessing significant investments in infrastructure development, further driving the demand for curtain walls.In conclusion, the curtain wall market is expected to experience significant growth during the forecast period, driven by factors such as the increasing demand for energy-efficient buildings, rising urbanization, and the growing construction industry. The Asia Pacific region is expected to dominate the market due to the increasing demand for commercial and residential buildings and significant investments in infrastructure development.

Curtain Wall Market Share

The global curtain wall market is highly competitive, with several key players operating in the market. Some of the key players in the market include:

  1. Nippon Sheet Glass Co. Ltd.
  2. YKK AP Inc.
  3. Kawneer Company, Inc. (Arconic)
  4. Schüco International KG
  5. HansenGroup Ltd.
  7. AVIC Sanxin Co. Ltd.
  8. Wicona (Sapa Building Systems GmbH)
  9. Josef Gartner GmbH (Lindner Group)
  10. Permasteelisa S.p.A.

The market share of these key players varies based on their product offerings, market reach, and strategic partnerships. Additionally, the market share of these players is also influenced by the demand for curtain walls in different regions across the world.In terms of the type of curtain wall system, the unitized system is expected to hold a larger share of the market during the forecast period, owing to its advantages such as faster installation and reduced labor costs.In terms of the end-use sector, the commercial segment is expected to hold the largest share of the market during the forecast period, owing to the increasing demand for energy-efficient and aesthetically appealing buildings in the commercial sector.Geographically, the Asia Pacific region is expected to hold the largest share of the market during the forecast period, owing to the increasing demand for commercial and residential buildings in countries such as China, India, and Japan.In conclusion, the curtain wall market is highly competitive, with several key players operating in the market. The market share of these players varies based on their product offerings, market reach, and strategic partnerships. The unitized system is expected to hold a larger share of the market, and the commercial segment is expected to hold the largest share of the market. The Asia Pacific region is expected to hold the largest share of the market during the forecast period.

Curtain Wall Market Trends

Here are some of the key trends in the curtain wall market:

  1. Growing demand for energy-efficient buildings: The increasing focus on sustainability and energy efficiency is driving the demand for curtain walls with thermal insulation properties. Curtain walls with thermal insulation help reduce heating and cooling costs, which is driving their adoption in energy-efficient buildings.
  2. Advancements in technology: Technological advancements are driving the growth of the curtain wall market. The integration of smart technologies such as sensors, automation, and building management systems is improving the functionality and efficiency of curtain walls.
  3. Increasing demand for customization: There is a growing demand for customized curtain walls that meet specific design requirements. This trend is driven by architects and building owners who are seeking unique and aesthetically appealing designs.
  4. Use of sustainable and eco-friendly materials: The use of sustainable and eco-friendly materials is becoming increasingly popular in the curtain wall market. Materials such as aluminum, glass, and steel are being replaced with materials such as timber and bamboo, which have lower carbon footprints.
  5. Growing demand for unitized systems: The demand for unitized curtain wall systems is increasing due to their advantages such as faster installation, reduced labor costs, and improved quality control. Unitized systems are becoming more popular in high-rise buildings and other large structures.
  6. Focus on safety and security: The safety and security of buildings is a growing concern, and the curtain wall market is responding with innovations such as blast-resistant and bullet-resistant curtain walls. These curtain walls are designed to provide protection against natural disasters and terrorist attacks.

In conclusion, the curtain wall market is experiencing several key trends, including the growing demand for energy-efficient buildings, advancements in technology, increasing demand for customization, use of sustainable and eco-friendly materials, growing demand for unitized systems, and a focus on safety and security.

Curtain Wall Market Factors

The curtain wall market is influenced by several factors, including:

  1. Growth of the construction industry: The growth of the construction industry is a significant driver of the curtain wall market. The increasing demand for commercial and residential buildings, especially in emerging economies, is driving the growth of the construction industry.
  2. Rising urbanization: Urbanization is another key driver of the curtain wall market. As more people move into cities, the demand for buildings and infrastructure increases, driving the demand for curtain walls.
  3. Focus on energy efficiency: The focus on sustainability and energy efficiency is driving the demand for curtain walls with thermal insulation properties. Curtain walls with thermal insulation help reduce heating and cooling costs, which is driving their adoption in energy-efficient buildings.
  4. Increasing demand for customization: The increasing demand for customized curtain walls that meet specific design requirements is driving innovation in the market. Architects and building owners are seeking unique and aesthetically appealing designs that require customized curtain walls.
  5. Technological advancements: Advancements in technology, such as the integration of sensors, automation, and building management systems, are improving the functionality and efficiency of curtain walls.
  6. Stringent regulations: The regulatory environment is becoming increasingly stringent, with building codes and safety regulations becoming more complex. This is driving the adoption of curtain walls that meet these regulations, such as blast-resistant and bullet-resistant curtain walls.
  7. Fluctuations in raw material prices: The prices of raw materials used in the manufacturing of curtain walls, such as aluminum, glass, and steel, can fluctuate, which can impact the cost of production and the final price of curtain walls.

In conclusion, the curtain wall market is influenced by several factors, including the growth of the construction industry, rising urbanization, focus on energy efficiency, increasing demand for customization, technological advancements, stringent regulations, and fluctuations in raw material prices.

Curtain Wall Market Regional Analysis

The global curtain wall market can be segmented into several regions, including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and South America. Here is a regional analysis of the curtain wall market:

  1. North America: The North American curtain wall market is expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period due to the growing construction industry in the region. The demand for energy-efficient buildings and the increasing focus on sustainability are also driving the market in this region.
  2. Europe: Europe is expected to hold a significant share of the global curtain wall market during the forecast period. The demand for curtain walls is increasing due to the growing need for energy-efficient buildings and the adoption of green building codes.
  3. Asia Pacific: Asia Pacific is expected to witness the highest growth rate in the curtain wall market during the forecast period. The increasing population and urbanization in countries such as China and India are driving the demand for buildings and infrastructure, which is fueling the demand for curtain walls in this region.
  4. Middle East & Africa: The Middle East & Africa is expected to witness steady growth in the curtain wall market during the forecast period. The growing construction industry in the region and the increasing adoption of green building codes are driving the demand for curtain walls.
  5. South America: South America is expected to witness moderate growth in the curtain wall market during the forecast period. The growth of the construction industry in countries such as Brazil and Argentina is driving the demand for curtain walls in this region.

In conclusion, the global curtain wall market is expected to witness significant growth in all regions during the forecast period, with Asia Pacific expected to witness the highest growth rate. The growing demand for energy-efficient buildings and the increasing focus on sustainability are driving the market in all regions.

Curtain Wall Market Forecasts 2030 

The global curtain wall market is expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period from 2021 to 2030. The market is projected to grow at a CAGR of around 9% from 2021 to 2030.Factors such as the growing demand for energy-efficient buildings, increasing urbanization, and the focus on sustainable construction practices are driving the growth of the curtain wall market. The rising need for customized curtain walls, advancements in technology, and the adoption of green building codes are also expected to fuel the market's growth during the forecast period.The Asia Pacific region is expected to witness the highest growth rate in the curtain wall market during the forecast period, primarily due to the increasing population, urbanization, and infrastructure development in countries such as China and India. The North American and European markets are also expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period due to the increasing demand for energy-efficient buildings and the adoption of green building codes.In conclusion, the global curtain wall market is expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period from 2021 to 2030, primarily due to the increasing demand for energy-efficient buildings, rising urbanization, and the focus on sustainable construction practices. The Asia Pacific region is expected to witness the highest growth rate in the market, followed by North America and Europe.

Curtain Wall Market Key Industry Players

The global curtain wall market is highly competitive, with several players operating in the market. Here are some of the key industry players in the market:

  1. Kawneer Company, Inc.
  2. Schüco International KG
  3. YKK AP Inc.
  5. HansenGroup Ltd.
  6. EFCO Corporation
  7. G.James Glass & Aluminium Pty Ltd
  8. Reynaers Aluminium
  9. Alumil S.A.
  10. Technal

These companies are continuously investing in research and development to introduce innovative products and solutions in the market. They are also focusing on strategic partnerships and collaborations to expand their market presence and reach new customers.Other significant players in the market include Ponzio S.r.l., Aluprof S.A., Josef Gartner GmbH, ETEM Group, Permasteelisa S.p.A., Sapa Building System, and Alcoa Corporation, among others.In conclusion, the global curtain wall market is highly competitive, with several key players operating in the market. These players are investing in research and development, strategic partnerships, and collaborations to expand their market presence and remain competitive in the market.






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